"the best way to start is to just start.."
i dislike that expression, my disdain for it probably comes from the fact that it is a good, solid piece of advice and that alone is good reason for me not to like it. don't get me wrong, i don't have oppositional defiance disorder (more on that in a bit) but it does take me a while to take the counsel of others if I think I know the 'right' way. chances are you are nodding your head right now.
let me take a minute to explain my intentions behind creating the 'hungry heart' blog. i am regularly amazed by food and the power it has to heal, soothe, comfort, excite, even enrage and harm. food can be polarizing, yet it can unite. how can you not be amazed by something that is, to many, a physical necessity and a emotional touchstone? there is no place like the spot where a meal is being shared: it is a 'site' that can be created anywhere, anytime, and the only requirement is a couple of people and some shared sustenance. yet a meal, no matter how simple or humble, is so much more than the sum of it's parts. i love that there is a recognition of this today, or maybe a resurgence more than a recognition. cultures more ancient than ours recognized the power of a shared meal long ago; we all seem to be moving back to the table with the understanding that it is one of the most important ways to become part of something bigger than just ourselves.
so, this blog is a place to consider ideas, share thoughts, and discuss things that are part of our lives. the ideas i share with you are for your consideration, but not intended for your full adoption. feel free to adopt my ideas if you want, but i put them out there with the hope that you will share yours back. i envision this space as a place to think broadly and deeply, without feeling like you have to have a PhD to join in the conversation. the only requirement of membership is a ferocious appetite for ideas and, of course, for food. if there is one other requirement for membership it would be a sense of humor. while not everything we talk about will be "funny" there is always room for humor. if food is nourishment for the all parts of ourselves, then laughter is the medicine. it sounds hokey...but again, 'laughter is the best medicine' is one of those things we tend to shrug off as being too simple to be true. yet, the best endorphin rush i have ever had (and this is coming from someone who knows endorphins) has been brought on by authentic, unself-conscience laughter. much of the true laughter in my life has come at the hands of my family and friends and it is to them that i dedicate this undertaking. i would be nothing without the people who believe in me.
so, friend, please feel free to join, to read, to lurk, to contribute or any combination of those things. i do hope that you will find something on here so compelling that you have to respond and make yourself known. a blog is only as strong as the people who consider it relevant and important. i am deeply hopeful that you are one of those people.
until next time - lynne
oh, here is the "more" on oppositional defiance disorder:
last night I was at a meeting when one of my peers mentioned that his child had been recently diagnosed with ODD or oppositional defiance disorder..my first thought was "they have finally done it, they have given garden-variety bad behavior a diagnosis. although i'm not sure i think there is medication that can be prescribed to combat ODD; my question: where does the line form to get some of it? seriously though, did we need a diagnosis that can further shield kids (and adults) from taking responsibility for bad behavior? i'm not saying that we should throw away the DSM, nor am I failing to recognize that there are good reasons (medical, as well as political) to take a collection of symptoms and call it a 'disorder' if it helps people get the care they need. my worry is for the day that a child or adult escapes accountability because he/she is diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder. it is human to have some ODD--for some it is situational, for others it is a way of being--i'm just not sure when it becomes an illness. although i'm sure that has been the key question for those who sought to create the diagnosis (can you see my idealism shining through?). i guess the impact of this remains to be seen; i know i will be waiting to see how it plays out. you might be wondering, how does this relate to food? not to be trite but i have never seen children act badly when they are engaged in food preparation...have you noticed that? there is something powerful at work there...ODD or not.
Can I be the first to comment? Cool debut, Lynne. Your comments on O.D.D. reminded me of a recent George Will column I read which reflected a similar view. You're in esteemed company. Here's the column: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/26/AR2010022603369.html
ReplyDeleteThanks, J! George Will and I seem to have a similiar way of thinking, although he is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing that article, and please feel free to share more. Also, thanks for being my very first comment!
The next Dr. Phil or perhaps Dr. Oz....
ReplyDeleteyou go girl !!!!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ma :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great spot!!! Love it! And I love the whole ODD thing.. amazing they have something like that.. what the hell.. we just got our butts kicked.. no diagnosis needed.. Anyway.. What else are you puttin on here?? recipes?? tips?? ideas?? party ideas?? You are a fantabulous cook - so one hopes you share that too.. ;-) taz...
ReplyDeleteVery well done... as expected. I can't wait to read more of your opinions and look forward to seeing what paths you take with your new blog adventure. Congratulations!